Upcoming Workshops, Recordings
for Sale, and Recommended Products
*There are currently no upcoming workshops scheduled. Check back soon!
Meanwhile, if you'd like to keep up with upcoming offerings, sign up for the email list on the main page or just shoot us a message!

Live Recordings of
Past Workshops For Sale
$75 to access all the recordings for this series (4 total sessions) or $25 per individual session. This includes 5+ hours of video content and accompanying PDFs containing some of the main ideas for each session. Send me an email for instructions on how to purchase!
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*Deepening Your Practice and Getting Unstuck:
(a 4-Part Series co-led with Christina Choy in late 2021)
Cost: $50 for the series, or $15 per individual session
(To purchase, email me at, and you will receive further instructions on how to pay and receive the recordings.)
- Week 1: Daily Practice
- Week 2: Purpose
- Week 3: Relationships
- Week 4: What to Do When Nothing Is Working (Getting Unstuck)
*Note: This series is ideal for anyone who has at least a basic background in brain retraining and is looking to deepen their knowledge and practice. You will still get something out of this if you don't have a brain retraining background, but certain ideas may not be as familiar to you.
**Current private session clients receive a 20% discount on recordings for past classes!
Programs and Products
I Recommend for the Journey:
Brain Retraining and Related Programs:
Primal Trust - Highly recommended for those who want a comprehensive, deep-dive program that covers brain retraining, somatics, and more. Dr. Cat was my coach before she did Primal Trust, and so some of her teachings are a part of how I approach healing with my own clients. If you only do one program, this is the one.
Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS) - If you want a well-tuned, straightforward system to get you started on brain retraining, but don't want to dive into all the details, this is a great starting point. DNRS was a big contributor to my healing process, especially early on, and I still recommend it.
Other Tools and Products I Recommend:
Subliminal Software: Mindzoom - This is a great software I still use to this day. It runs in the background on my computer with customizable subliminal affirmations I write for myself, according to whatever I'm currently working on.
Subliminal Tracks: RealSubliminal - This company does great subliminal tracks if you want either pre-made tracks for a specific issue or to have someone make you a customized track to listen to.